#Framework, Library, or in Between

There are several different ways to use Renda regarding high-level or low-level usage.


The highest level of usage would be to let Renda build your application inside Renda Studio. Choosing this route will make Renda act as a sort of framework. You will have to do a minimum amount of setup to build your application, and most of the boilerplate code is already written for you.

This is great if you want to quickly get set up. Without having to tinker with configuration and build scripts too much. If you are just getting started with Renda, you might want to take this route first.


But frameworks inherently come with some limitations. Because a framework takes care of so many things, you also end up losing some control. That's why Renda can also be used as a library.

If you need more control, or you are just the type of person that likes to tinker with the details, using Renda as a library might be a better option for you.

#In Between

But it doesn't end there! The choice is not that black and white. Many parts in Renda can be used in multiple ways.

For example, you may choose to use your own build system, but this doesn't mean you can't use Studio to build your scenes. You can still bundle your assets within Renda while using your own build system for all the code.

So ultimately it doesn't matter which approach you take. You can always start using Renda as a framework and then slowly work your way down to a lower-level approach.

To learn more about all the different ways to build your Renda application, head over to Building Projects.